Monday 15 October 2012

Download Mozila Firefox 17

Mozila Firefox 17

Firefox 16.01 (updated today) is out the door and that means Firefox 17 is now in Beta (those trains move fast!).
This release like the the last half dozen before it - adds new developer goodness - but this time it's more sociable than just CSS3 support.
Firefox 17 includes the new SocialAPI , which is described as an attempt to integrate social content (i.e Facebook) into the browser.
Yes, I know others have tried in the past. Flock (fail!) and now RockMelt (fail in progress) are just a few browser attempts at better social integration.
The Social API though is different. More than just an add-on, this is API level integration. That means it's extensible at a deep level and can be integrated into the fabric of the modern browser experience.

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